Teacher Appreciation Week: May 2-6, 2022 Teaching is a Work of Heart❤️
Posted by Rejuv At Work Team on

In the United States, Teacher Appreciation Week is a national holiday celebrated during the first full week of May each calendar year. It’s a time and a week to show gratitude and appreciation for the people who educate and facilitate progress towards an educated country for all ages.
Teachers play a vital role in every individual’s development and evolution. Showing appreciation to them is therefore a fair reward and an act of gratitude that will also make you feel better. Over the last few years, with the ongoing uncertainty and school closures; teachers have ushered in a new way of teaching – pivoting from the known practice of all-live all the time, to all virtual all the time, to the now hybrid options that are commonplace everywhere and continue to go on even as most schools and institutions are fully open and live. While these challenges are felt and endured by both the students and the teachers alike, the teachers are the heart and soul of implementation and carrying out of the necessary restrictions and/or guidelines that the leaders of both the country and the institutions dictate. All the more reason to say Thank You to the teachers in our lives as they have to endure the brunt of the rules and regulations/restrictions, as well as the pros and cons and complaints from the students.
This week allows all of us to show the educator in yours or your child’s life how much you have appreciated their support over the past few years. Know that although schools have scheduled hours that the students are required to attend, a teachers work is done at that time AND before (for prepping for the event, day, hour, etc) and after (grading, assessing, planning, etc). Much of the heart and soul of what a teacher does happens outside of their time with the student as planning and scheduling, as well as assessing and prepping are done outside of that time. Teachers also typically go above and beyond the scope of practice by using their own monies and funds for supplies, taking extra out of class time to research, or prepare for an event, or even a test. All of this extra work and attention typically goes on behind the scenes. A student arrives on the first day and the outline, timeline and syllabus are all provided and done ahead of time and ready to go for this first day of class. In person, the classrooms are prepared (i.e. photos, quotes, supplies, etc) and ready to go; all supplies are purchased, laid out, ready for use; lesson plans organized, calendared and planned well in advance. After the class, quizzes are graded, notes are taken, emails/correspondence, etc are done and send. All of this goes on outside of the class time and to most unseen by the students.
The following is a short list of ways you can show appreciation to the ones that educate us:
10 ways to say thank you to your teacher:
- Take something off of their plate – run an errand for them, or offer to carry their books to their car
- Throw a themed lunch party for teachers
- Set up a snack and beverage buffet in the teachers’ lounge
- Decorate your teacher’s room with encouraging notes of gratitude and/or words of appreciation
- Put candy puns in your teachers’ mailbox/slot: e.g.: Have I told you “reese”- ently you are so wonderful to work with?
- Create playlist for teachers (on spotify or apple or amazon, or?)
- Stock up their classrooms with supplies (pens, paper, etc)
- Get special small gifts for each teacher (i.e. a personalized note pad, or notebook)
- Organize a 10-minute gratitude circle where everyone gathers (virtually or live) and says a few words of appreciation for the teachers that guide them
- Say “Thank You!” verbally to your teacher
While this week might be celebrated only one week a year, you can celebrate the teachers in your life everyday by periodically saying thank you and letting your teachers know how much they are appreciated and loved in simple gestures and kindness on a daily basis.
Rejuv at Work offers several options for Mind-Body classes and/or workshops such as: Meditation, Stretch at Your Desk, Deskercise, Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates. These are all ways to help reduce and manage stress and anxiety; as well as promote a healthier and happier outlook and work environment. We also offer other fitness classes such as Zumba, HIIT, Bootcamp, and classes of all kinds that help with cardiovascular and strength training to balance out the more mindful classes.
We also offer workshops on special topics such as: Wellness, Nutrition, Meditation, and Massage.