How Thai Massage Moves You Outside Your "Norm" for Deeper Benefits
Posted by Rejuv At Work Team on

Originating in India 2500 years ago, Thai Massage is a healing modality with it's roots in Yoga. The integration of yoga principles make this bodywork unique to all others. What sets Thai Massage apart most obviously is that it is received fully clothed on a comfortable floor mat instead of nude on a table. Since clothes are kept on the receivers body can be effortlessly guided into various yoga-like positions and deep stretches.
No, you do not need to be flexible for this! In fact, if you are tight and inflexible you likely need this all the more. Muscles that have been in a tense position or doing a repetitive motion over a long period of time essentially "forget" how to be extended and relaxed. The result is an overall feeling of "stuckness". Your therapist will put together a sequence of moves specific for your personal needs and tight areas. The stretches move you to your edge and gently outside of your "norm" reminding your body to let go of patterning built up during the day, month and even lifetime.
The various positions applied during a Thai Massage session can help access areas of the body other styles can't quite get to. For example, bodywork to hip flexors, hamstring attachment points and large glute muscles can help relieve associated pain in the lower back or hips. Substantial flexibility can be achieved with combined movement and massage as with spinal twists and forward bends. Dynamic chest opening stretches counteract the inevitable hunching of desk work. Full body joint articulations help free up mobilization therefore increasing range of motion. This broad availability expands the overall physical benefits of Thai Massage.
Other styles of massage may focus only on superficial layer muscles. Unique to Thai Massage the practitioner will use elbows, knees and feet along with their body weight. This deep pressure allows for access to deeper layer muscles. Slow rhythmic compression, guided breathing and gentle rocking also help release muscular tension on all levels.

The passive stretching you receive in a Thai Massage session is oftentimes deeper than you can extend into in a yoga class or on your own. This is because here you can completely relax into it -- simply breathe and let go. Similar to yoga, Thai Massage incorporates the use of breath to gently move deeeeeper -- Primarily, smoothing out and elongating the breath tells the nervous system that it's ok to just chill out. The reward of breath focus is a profoundly relaxed body and state of mind.
All types of massage benefit most when the client can release tension without force or discomfort. Through clear communication, areas of physical tension should be met with patience and breath as well as the clients comfort level of pressure. In Sanskrit, "Ahimsa" is the practice of non-harming towards self and others. As in Yoga, Thai Massage practices mindfulness and compassion.
Thai massage is a meditative practice both for the giver and receiver. Usually before a session I will ask a client how they are feeling. Sometimes the response is, "I don't know." Does this sound familiar? Are you sometimes too busy or stressed to check in with your own body and state of mind? That's what I'm here for! To remind you of your existence and that we are alive and breathing! Naturally, during a session focus switches away from mental stress and anxiety. This time is set aside for simple body awareness. I love to hold space for people to become more physically and mentally at ease and therefore more available to enjoy life. The outcome is a balance of deep relaxation with expanded awareness.
- Tags: massage, Thai massage