Our Blog — events
Wisdom 2.0 Conference
Posted by Rejuv At Work Team on

We strive to find balance between being effective and efficient in our work and maintaining a sense of humanness - authentic connection to ourselves and others. This past weekend, people holding this focus convened at the Wisdom 2.0 Conference in San Francisco to explore the intersection between mindfulness, compassion, and the world of work and technology.
- Tags: chair massage, events, Wisdom 2.0 Conference
Plan Ahead for Employee Appreciation Day: March 2, 2018
Posted by Rejuv At Work Team on

Your employees: they’ve got your back. Are they crunching numbers, working a spreadsheet, making sure each tiny detail is correct? Or are they out at a dinner, creating conversation with your biggest client, carefully listening and asking thoughtful questions? Perhaps your employees operate a fork lift with agility, or crush grapes with their bare feet! Whatever feats they accomplish, your employees do it for the team, for a shared goal.
- Tags: employee appreciation, events