Wisdom 2.0 Conference
Posted by Rejuv At Work Team on
We strive to find balance between being effective and efficient in our work and maintaining a sense of humanness - authentic connection to ourselves and others. This past weekend, people holding this focus convened at the Wisdom 2.0 Conference in San Francisco to explore the intersection between mindfulness, compassion, and the world of work and technology.
Rejuv at Work was there to offer bodywork sessions, share the joy of our work, and learn from experts in the field so that we can ensure the best offerings. The overall feeling in the "Village" was one of relaxed excitement. People were eager to share their experiences, and visitors to our booth enjoyed a relaxing massage after participating in various breakout sessions and listening to inspiring speakers such as Byron Katie, Tarana Burke, Jon Kabat-Zinn and Jack Kornfield.

One visitor remarked, "Ok. Now I have done the emotional work, listening to those talks and having some deep discussions. Now I need to integrate it all into my body. I need a massage!" A few visitors to the booth signed up for 15 minute sessions, and came back later in the day for additional half hour sessions: It became clear that bringing a connection to the body into the conversation about life balance was important! We were happy to be a part of it.
- Tags: chair massage, events, Wisdom 2.0 Conference